Almost every time I log in to check my Hotmail account, the MSN or Hotmail homepage contains a "headline" that shamelessly degrades the American male.
Consider today's "Dear Prudence" advice column, "He Wears the Skirt in Our Relationship."In brief, the letter writer explains that her elderly husband agreed to dress up like a woman and stay in character for a Halloween weekend. Now, come spring, he
still likes to dress up and even accompanies the letter writer on her excursions with the girls. She asks, "Should I worry?"
Obviously, she's
already worried. Yet, while she describes her hubby's newfound femininity as potentially overboard, she doesn't realize that she's also detailed why
she is to blame for his undoing. Her letter begins, "
We dressed him up as a bride, and he made quite an attractive woman for our age (60)—almost no one recognized him.
I had the lady at my salon do his nails, hair (wig), and makeup" (italics mine).
Looks like
her prank has blown up in
her face, and she doesn't know how to handle the consequences. If a husband wrote a letter like this about his wife, he'd be easily dismissed! "Lighten up, dude!" Prudence would undoubtedly respond. "Let your wife wear the pants . . . literally!" Her crossdressing habits would be deemed "empowering," yet this guy's good nature is quickly dubbed a threat. He's obvious a victim, and he's being
blamed for being a victim.
Isn't this the aim of every woman, to make her man more
like her? Then, it's just like the woman to blame
him when her plan goes
too far.
In the meantime, this unfortunate gentleman is the reason I've launched this blog in the first place: masculinity is an endangered mentality in America today. Specifically, the media goes to great lengths to demoralize and humiliate men, and though these efforts are often sold as comedic, you remember the old adage: there's a little truth behind every joke.
Consider this blog a chronicle of these examples, and a call to arms. How long before I'm logging in to check my Hot-
she-mail? How long will
you let these things continue?